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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If you don't RECRUIT how do you grow your Business?

If I don't recruit, how do I grow my business?
This is the single most important piece of the puzzle for you to understand in building your business. And I want you to begin by remembering how you found your way to

You responded to some form of advertising and got your own free account. It could have been word of mouth advertising, a newspaper or magazine ad, a business card or flyer, an old-fashioned public email ad, or any one of many other types of advertising. There are numerous methods that can bring people here, but they all involve the same fundamental thing: someone exposed you to the opportunity and you responded and got your free account.

Then the system, went to work and began educating you about the product and the business opportunity, and you chose the best level for you to participate.

The key to your success and the one thing you must do to build the kind of business and income you are seeking can be summed up in one word: exposure.

That's your #1 job, and no one can do it for you. You will never make a dollar without exposing your business to as many people as possible. There are many ways to do it, but, make sure you understand this important point, you have to do it. Exposures get free signups, and free signups get upgrades, and upgrades build your income.

$uccess Rule #1
Those who exposes their business to the most people will earn the most money.

The rules of marketing are not suspended when you get involved in a business on the internet. In fact, they are magnified if they are any different at all. I recently did a Google search for "business opportunities" and got 1,030,000,000 (that's 1billion and 30 million) websites to check out. I decided to narrow it to "home business opportunities" and got 882,000,000 (882 million)!

The point is that there are lots of people out there offering opportunities because there are lots of people looking for them. You have no shortage of prospects and you have a product that is not a gimmick like so many others. Yours offers a solution to the problems that over 1 billion email users routinely have and that almost everyone agrees are real problems, not just something dreamed up to make a buck!

You've got a HUGE market, so how do you reach it?

Exposure is the key. How you do it is less important then the fact that you must do it. And you must understand right up front that you cannot, [I repeat] cannot, succeed without understanding Success Rule #1.

$uccess Rule #2
There is a general misconception many people have that a home based business will somehow just magically grow itself. Some people - mostly those who have never had a successful home based business before - are unclear as to what they must do to start earning commissions and building the kind of income and financial future they desire for themselves and their family.

Let's clear that up right now. Let's say you have a sponsor and an entire upline that is really, really pitiful. You have to build your business yourself to be successful. Does that mean you are doomed to fail?

Absolutely not! When people above you reach their personal income goals, they may stop sponsoring new people altogether.

It is your determination and your work that will insure the growth of your business and the successful journey toward reaching your goals.

$uccess Rule #3
Free samples attract buyers, though not everyone will buy what you are allowing them to sample.

Do you know what every car salesman in the world wants you to do when you drop by the dealership? They want you to test drive a car. They know for a fact that you are much more likely to buy a car that you have driven than one that you've only looked at.

And that applies to most everything.

It's hard to go to a supermarket these days, especially on weekends, without finding one or two or more sample booths. At least that's what I call them. They will be set up where someone stands all day and cooks and gives away free samples of new products that the store is now selling. Why? Because they know that this gets people's attention.
They give you a taste of the product. You try it for yourself. If you like it, you are much more likely to buy some to take home since you've been able to "try before you buy."

There is absolutely no doubt that this is the best way to market. The more you try to sell it, the more likely it is that you will not succeed. The better job you do of giving it away, the more successful you will be. Which leads us directly to?

$uccess Rule #4
The more sample booths you have, the faster and bigger your business will grow.

Your sample booths can take many forms, but you must always think in terms of numbers. If you use mass advertising methods such as lead lists and newspaper and magazine ads, more people are likely to see your business than if you limit yourself to handing out business cards.

Consider what would happen at the supermarket if each sample booth only handed out one sample to one person and then closed up. It's pretty clear what would happen - not much! Sample booths take into account that numbers are what marketing is all about. They don't give out one sample. They give out dozens or hundreds or even thousands. The more the merrier!

That is the same premise on which you can build your business. Your job is to expose your business to as many people as possible.

Advertising is the lifeblood of any business, however you choose to advertise.

BUT, you cannot build your business quickly and get into profit if you don't expose your business broadly.

If you are trying to do it without the expense of mass advertising, you can do it. However, be prepared! You will have to work hard and long and very focused hours to get enough exposures to make your business profitable.

If you are using business cards alone, for example, you'll have to distribute many more of them to get the same results you could get from one magazine ad.

People have built very large and successful businesses using that method, but they spent hours every day working on distributing those cards. You can do it, but it will take a full-time commitment to make it work if that's all you do.

If you can afford to wait until you can get into profit and start making money, then it is an option. If on the other hand, you need to get your business going right now because you have bills to pay, then you will need to find a better approach.

One business card is likely to be seen by only one or two people. It's like having only one sample booth. One major ad, however, might be seen by thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Your business will build more quickly with tens of thousands of sample booths than with only one.

$uccess Rule #5
$uccessful people use every tool available to them.

First, I don't want anyone to fail because I failed them. Here's what I mean by that. The entire marketing system is set up with one thing in mind - helping you make money! When you prosper, the company prospers! Nothing is more important than getting you paid quickly and well. That's why the program has developed the tools you need to make that happen.

The product and service you offer is far superior to the product it replaces, and it will continue to get even better over time.

You usually have to make a choice when you look for a business. Do you want to earn larger commissions on each sale or do you want to be able to build a long-term residual income that will allow you to live comfortably years from now?

If you need to turn a profit quickly so you can pay your bills and still have money to invest in advertising and other ways to expose and grow your business, then you have the tools you need to do it.

But you have to take advantage of them!

Second, we provide you with numerous tools you can use to increase your number of exposures. But you must use them.

I can't guarantee your success, because only you can choose to become successful. You must believe in yourself. You must believe in your product. You must commit yourself to doing what is necessary to succeed. And then you must do it!

The secret to your success is very simple. It's you. You will succeed because you want to succeed more than you fear failing.

This is not the most expensive or highest paying package you can purchase, but it is easily affordable for everyone and provides immediate, substantial, and long-term income - not just one or the other, By using this program as a feeder to all your other businesses.

Then get your sample booths out there in front of people.

Set your goals, dream your dreams, and then take action to make your dreams your reality!

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Rd.
Carrara. Qld. 4211

Skype: thomcooke

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