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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Online Exposure.

Let's touch on a few indirect ways to expose your business. To do that, we're going to look at a couple ways you can use your email to get the word out about your business.

Use your email address book to invite people you regularly correspond with to start communicating with you through. Please don't misuse this feature by spamming anyone. Use it only for people you have been corresponding with. If you misuse it, you put your service at risk!

Most email clients like Outlook, Yahoo, and Gmail allow you to send out a signature file at the end of any email you send to those who send you an email.

Experience tells me that a short message is just as effective as a long one, so simply write a short message and have it automatically sent to anyone who emails you. Tell them that since they are important to you, you would like to begin communicating with them through your mail service since there is no spam, viruses.

You must understand that while attaching a Signature to your outgoing email and setting up an "out of office" or "vacation" message are not very "sexy," they are a vital part of exposing your business. They won't make you wealthy, but they are examples of small ways to set up another sample booth.

Let me remind you how Hotmail got 30 million subscribers in 30 months. It was done by the use of a Signature line attached to each message. Doesn't seem very exciting, does it? But you can't argue with its effectiveness! Don't skip it.

This time I'll show you ways you can use the internet itself as a prospecting tool. It is likely that you will not be able to rely on the internet alone as your prospecting source, so as you continue, begin to make notes and think about how you can put several of these methods together to build your own personal prospecting program.

Let me say again that there's no single magic bullet when it comes to "finding" the best way to advertise your business. No one thing or one way is likely to be successful for everyone, and just as regular "bricks and mortar" businesses have discovered, you need to make use of the various possibilities to generate prospects.

I will provide you with examples of how to use and where to insert that link as you continue.

I am offering you the guidance and information you need, and if there is a magic bullet of sorts- this is it. I'm it. I know how to do this successfully, and when you do what I advise you to do consistently and persistently, then your chance for success is greatly increased.
Nothing pays off like taking the advise of a pro and applying it with consistency and persistence.

Let's look at a few different ways you can use the internet. I am not endorsing any of these, but you need to know about them.

INVITE CONTACTS Simple and free, so don't forget this feature when you think about contacting prospects on the internet. As you already know, this can be a useful tool when used properly.

BANNER ADS If you already have a business or personal website of your own, you may already have people who have opted-in as contacts through that site. Since you already have permission to communicate with them, you can issue them a personal invitation.

And you can place a banner ad on your website or on others where you have permission. If you look in the back office of your new website in the Marketing Tools section, you'll see a link to a banner ad you can use. The instructions there tell you how to personalize it so that you get credit for a person who clicks on it and visits your site.
An important change in those instructions:

Where the website reads "Be sure to replace XXXXXX with your real username...

INTERNET CLASSIFIED ADS If you do a search for "internet classified ads" or "free classified ads" you'll find all kinds of sites where you can advertise for free. How much business will they generate? That's hard to say. Lots of folks use them, so they must get results to some degree.

There are also classified sites where you pay a fee to run your ad, and again, results are mixed.

Helpful Hint: Check the policy of the site to be sure your email address will not be published in the ad! If it is, you will experience what many have before- lots and lots and lots of Spam in your email inbox. Make sure you include the link to your website when you publish the ad.

AUTORESPONDER LEAD SYSTEMS Another simple way for you to introduce people though it isn't free. Generally you pay a monthly fee for the autoresponder system and you purchase leads who receive your ads.

Beware! All lead systems are not created equal! Some sell leads that are also sold to multiple other advertisers. That means your leads may be getting bombarded with many other offers, which will dilute the power of your ads. Others don't tell you how "fresh" the leads are. They could be folks who showed interest last week- or they could be 2 or 3 years old. Be sure you ask what kind of lead you will get and how many other people are getting the same lead.

If you choose the wrong system, this could be money down the drain.

On the other hand, you can't expect any lead system to produce a sign up for most of the leads you buy. This is a numbers game. The more people you expose to your ad, the more likely you will get results- if the leads are relatively fresh to begin with.

I say it's a "numbers game" because the state of email causes problems which are not the fault of the Lead Systems. Some of the leads are likely to get filtered either by ISPs or people's personal filters on their own computers. Others will be "overlooked" or deleted from inboxes because the receiver will think they are junk. The quality of the leads and the content of the ad you are sending are the major keys here.

Do yourself a HUGE favor. Keep a log of your activity. Who did you contact; how; what ad did you run; what were it's results; how did you follow up; etc. We have a system that will help you do this, do it yourself and you'll learn what works and what doesn't work for you. It will also help you when you go to your sponsor for assistance in building your business. They'll be able to know specifically what you've tried and not tried, and will be better able to give you advice that will be on target and useful.

There are other ways to use the internet to market your business.
If you have questions about any of these ways to expose your business

For additional information I recommend The information is not specific to any business, but is great in providing you with tips and skills you need to successfully develop your business. After you register for more information (free).you will receive further emails from me and Janet. ( She really knows her away around the marketing arena, and this can help you tremendously.)

Next time we'll take a look at offline prospecting, an arena much neglected by many. We'll have some solid tips about how to use this method to your best advantage.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Rd.
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Skype: thomcooke

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