The MONEY is in Your LIST.

Responsive List Building.
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Friday, January 30, 2009

Why use a Splashpage?

Your Free Basic Guide To What A Splash Page Is
& Why You Should Use One

If you are reading this report right now, I believe it is safe to make two assumptions:

1. You are interested in making money on the Web
2. You know what a traffic exchange program is

If this is true you might want to skip the next few paragraphs and get to the main topic of this report; i.e. what a splash page is and why you should be using these tools in your traffic exchange promotions.

On the other hand, if you are really new to all this you may wish to read the rest of this introduction.

Ok you haven't skipped so you must be new to the world of Internet marketing, or at least new to the concept of traffic exchanges. Great I love teaching new people!

Only you know your reasons for coming to the Web in search of income opportunities. Maybe you have your own retail product and you are looking for new buyers, or maybe you are an entrepreneur who is promoting a business opportunity to other entrepreneurs.

Whatever you are selling, you surely know that your website needs plenty of traffic in order to generate any sales. And one great way to drive loads of free traffic to any site is through traffic exchange programs.

This report is not intended to be a traffic exchange guide but I do want to be sure you have at least a basic understanding of what these programs are because splash pages are tools that are specifically designed to work with traffic exchanges.

A traffic exchange is a membership program where affiliate marketers and website owners literally trade page views with each other. You just open an account, enter your site or affiliate links into the traffic rotation, and then you surf through the pages of other members in order to generate credits, which are then spent on visitors to your own pages.

So you look at other people`s websites and in return the traffic exchange program sends visitors to your website.

This is a great system but there is one thing you need to understand: The people who will be viewing your website are doing so in an effort to earn traffic for their own sites, and the more sites they view the more traffic they will earn.

So the visitors you get from a traffic exchange will be in a hurry! You will only have a few seconds to capture a visitor's attention and pull them into your offer, and that's where the idea of a Splash Page comes into play.

What Is A Splash Page
A splash page is a fast loading, short, and compelling web page that is built for one reason to grab the attention of people who are in a hurry and get them to STOP and have a closer look at your offer.

People who are surfing traffic exchange programs are moving fast. They are viewing as many sites as possible in an effort to generate more traffic for their websites, so in order for your page to stand out you need something special.

A five page website is not going to have much of an impact (most of the time) an a traffic exchange surfer, and neither is a page with one of this mile-long sales letters. So if you are an affiliate marketer who is promoting a corporate site, or if you`re an info-marketer who is selling an e-book from a long sales page you need a specialized weapon to really get the most out of traffic exchange promotion.

This special weapon is a splash page.

Let me give you a visual example of how this all works. Let's take my Splash Page Maker website for example.

Here is the link to my main sales page: (opens in a new window)

The sales page above is nice, but it's too long for the average surfer. Traffic exchange users will only stay on your page until the surf time runs out (just 10 to 30 seconds!) so you need to make your point FAST.

So here is a splash page I use to promote the longer sales page above: (new window)

As you can see it's sharp, short, and sweet! You get the entire message as soon as you glance at the page and you are then invited to open the main sales page in a new window to learn more.

This is the perfect example of how splash page promotion should work. Get a surfer's attention and then pull them to your main page.

Why Should You Use A Splash Page?
Once they arrive at your main sales page in this manner they are coming because they are interested in learning more, so there is a good chance they will take you up on your offer. Splash pages have been tested over and over again, and they have been proven to improve results with traffic exchanges many times over! So this is really a no-brainer. If you want solid results with traffic exchanges you need to start using splash pages right now!

Special Note

Another tool you have probably heard about is a "Squeeze Page". The difference in a splash and a squeeze is superficial.

Basically a squeeze page is a web page with an opt-in form on it that allows you to collect subscribers for your mailing list instead of directing people to click on a link and view your main offer in a new window.

You can easily add an email form right on your splash pages and go from pulling people to your main landing page to bringing more people to your mailing list. All you have to do is copy and paste the HTML for your autoresponder and presto ~ your own squeeze page.

Basic Elements Of A Good Splash Page

The basic elements of every successful splash page are the same, and can be summed up in this brief section.

1. You need to make a strong visual impact
2. You need to get to the point quickly
3. You need to brand yourself with a company logo or personal photo
4. You need to give the surfer a clear call to action

And that's all there is to it. Look again at my sample splash page: (new window)

It s attractive and grabs your attention right away.

It makes my marketing point in about five seconds.

It brands my website logo.

It tells you to "Click Here Now To Get Started".

Start applying this very simple technique to your traffic exchange promotions right now and your results will improve exponentially.

How To Build Your Own Splash Page
There are two ways to get rolling today with your own splash page. There's the old fashioned way and then there's the easy way (covered in the next section).

Since a splash page is a type of web page, you'll need the following to create these tools yourself.

1. A domain name for your own website - $10 per year
2. A hosting account for your domain - $10-20 per month
3. A good HTML editor or professional designer to build your pages for you possibly hundreds of dollars!

There is nothing wrong with going about this the old fashioned way if you have the time, skills, and extra money to invest. But for an affiliate or network marketer who doesn't have a lot of money in the bank or a load of technical knowledge for bulding their own websites there is a better way

The Easy Way To Create Great Looking Splash Pages
With my Splash Page Maker system you don't need any web design skills at all to create stunning, effective splash pages. And you can use our quick and easy splash maker to create and host multiple splash pages for less than 10 bucks per month!

You can even use this system to generate your own list-building squeeze pages by simply copying and pasting your responder code right into the text box our system gives you! Why do things the hard way when there is such a cool, easy to use system available right now?

As an added bonus, you can even earn extra money by telling other marketers about Splash Page Maker through our built in affiliate program. How's that for a cool additional benefit?

Check out Splash Page Maker today and start improving your traffic exchange results BIG TIME! (opens in a new window)

My online business continues to grow every day. And a lot of my success can be attributed to the proper use of traffic exchanges and splash page promotion.

Join me and others like me who are enjoying the rewards of Internet marketing by taking advantage of my Splash Page Maker system today.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

My Contact Information

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara, Queensland 4211
Phone: 61 7 413 09 1994

If You Want My Attention, Add
Me To Instant Messenger:

Skype: thomcooke
Yahoo: thom.cooke

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Online Tools & Resources to Build My List.

Are you using online tools and resources to build a list?

It is the one thing the gurus and I agree on, the money is in the list.

For me personally, as soon as I turned my focus onto building my list rather than promoting a product, I started to see a tremendous change in my business success.

Funny how that is ... the more people you connect to the more your business grows.

I've written many reports on list building and show many ways to capture prospects online.

The systems I use to generate responsive contacts for my Primary business is a program called Earth Friendly Biz.

To get a better idea of the system, I invite you to experience it here:

or fill out the coupon at the top of this page.

I'll be watching for you to come through the system.

Call me if you have questions or need help understanding how the program works.

Let's talk soon and have a great day.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

My Contact Information

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara, Queensland 4211
Phone: 07 413 09 1994

If You Want My Attention, Add
Me To Instant Messenger:

Skype: thomcooke

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is Education needed to be an Entrepreneur?

Is there really an education needed to be an entrepreneur? This is a question often asked by aspiring entrepreneurs.

Well, it all depends on the individual. There are times even when those that have no educational business background are still able to make it big in the business world. Some say that they owe it all to patience, hard work, and dedication. Most of the successful entrepreneurs on the other hand claim that it would take good education to become an entrepreneur.

So what will it be? Well, if you can afford to study a business degree, then don’t let that chance pass you by. You're quite lucky if you can attend college especially for a business degree. You have to dedicate your time studying all your lessons because in due time, you will be able to use such information to the advantage of your business.

You can choose to study in a local university or college or those individuals with more money to spend can study abroad if they want to. The important thing is to take your education seriously because you can use them when the right time comes. And while you're studying, you have to develop all the needed skills and characteristics of being an entrepreneur.

You have to participate actively in all school activities especially those that require you to exercise your skills in business planning, controlling, directing, etc.

There are many business degrees that you can choose from like commerce, business administration, economics, and many others. Make sure that you choose a course that you like and one that you can afford so that you can finish your way to college. Remember, passing alone is not important. You have to learn every step of the way and don’t forget the things that you've learned.

Some entrepreneurs didn’t have the proper educational background and yet they've become successful in their chosen field. The fact is, there are many successful entrepreneurs without the proper business education. How many times have you heard of an entrepreneur who started from scratch and yet ended up having a high-profit earning business? Perhaps there's more to just education.

You see, aside from education, you have to possess the right qualities and characteristics of being an entrepreneur like leadership, innovativeness, creativeness, risk taker, and many others. Even if you have the proper educational background, you can't become a successful entrepreneur if you don’t have these qualities and characteristics.

It seems that education and the right characteristics go hand in hand in producing an effective and successful entrepreneur. If you can have them both, take advantage of it right away. Education is something that money can't buy in an instant and besides, you can use your knowledge for the best interests of your business.

This is not to discourage those that can't afford to earn a business degree in college. If you want, you can use the resources available on the internet and learn everything you can about being an entrepreneur,
which is why Janet Legere set up Earth Friendly Biz, it takes you through all the elements that are required to get you up and running with a profitable Internet business.

You must also develop the right attitude and characteristics as early as possible. If you can pull it off, then no one can stop you.

Is there an education needed to be an entrepreneur? This question can only be answered by you.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Skype : thomcooke

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Caracteristics to be an Effective Entrepreneur.

Before a doctor diagnoses a specific disease, his patient must undergo a series of laboratory exams and assessments. He has to know the history of his patient and how lifestyle affected his present health problem. As results come in, that would be an indication of the time when a physician gives specific drugs and therapies for maintenance. This will eventually contribute to the level of optimum health for that individual. If all else fails, the process will be repeated again.

Similar to what the abovementioned situation has stated, an entrepreneur’s responsibility would be pretty much the same. It’s just that, he should see his customers as his patients and what they must have to survive a present predicament or a need. He must follow certain steps before doing anything irrational that could contribute to the downfall of his business. He should have certain characteristics innate in his personality for if he lacks one of these, he’s most probably doomed to fail.

Entrepreneurship is collectively defined as exhibiting one’s vision, taking action, and pursuing that vision as a goal to be achieved in life as service to reality. In the meaningless definition, it’s getting your butt out of that couch and doing something rather than fulfilling your life’s destiny of being a couch potato. Stated below are some of the distinct attitudes an entrepreneur should positively have:

• Optimism – is foreseeing things in a positive way notwithstanding any circumstances that may hinder progress. The assertiveness of an individual depends on his knowledge of how to handle a difficult situation

• Creativity – is thinking outside the box. Expanding one’s mind of what is beyond the ordinary through fine research and collection of data.

• Stability – either physical, mental, social or emotional, a leader must possess a stable life which means he could handle tough situations during tough times

• Charismatic – intelligence of communicating with different walks of life. Who says a charming man is less than an intelligent one? A good entrepreneur must have the certain magic glistening in his eyes and could convey enchanting words to get hold of that convincing power no one dare resist.

• Risk-taker – as someone beginning his own dream, he should be stern and must have the guts and the balls to take the big leap of plunging into his own doom or success. He should not be afraid of taking chances when opportunity strikes.

• Energetic – willing to do whatever it takes to reach to the finish line. His drive must always be at its highest level for being an entrepreneur would make you work overtime. His enthusiasm must prevail the next best thing.

• Time bound – like a written report in a newspaper, an entrepreneur must be on the top of every innovation. By looking at our past, we could predict our future.

Small businesses, in time, would turn out big if the scope of management exceeds what is expected. So it is necessary for a beginner to be positive about his endeavors. He must be very observant of what his environment lacks and needs. He should have sturdy shoulders to put on extra weight of carrying a responsibility that could change his or her life.

One’s greatest failure is sticking with the mentality of being conventional. This would be one of an entrepreneur’s greatest downfalls. Think big. Act. Make your business dreams come true.

To your Future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Skype : thomcooke

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ideas for the Business Entrepreneur

Many individuals nowadays prefer to have a home-based job rather than working eight hours each day in the office. Some people are also into franchising; this may sound good but if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you don’t have to focus entirely on franchising. You should consider other business ideas that you can venture into if you fill in the coupon at the top of this page I will show you what I am using to create my great lifestyle.

Research can be carried out with ease these days, thanks to the power of the internet. If you conduct your search online, you can find other business ideas that you can use as an entrepreneur. Beginners will benefit a lot from the information they can find online about business ideas.

Because of the many business ideas you can find online, you will often find it hard to choose the ones you like. It’s easy to choose if you use your instincts. For instance, if one business idea feels right, take note of it but if you have second thoughts about another idea, disregard it.

As an entrepreneur, you should investigate further by gathering as much information as possible about the business ideas. True enough, franchise is absolutely a great idea. By choosing this business alternative, you can be the boss of your own business and you can earn unlimited income.

However, according to experts, franchise and other internet businesses promise the same business opportunities. It will all differ on how you handle the business.

Not all individuals who desire to own a business can achieve this goal. You see, being an entrepreneur is hard. There are a lot of factors to consider before you decide to become an entrepreneur. Even if you have the capital to finance the business undertaking, you can’t be sure that it can give you high profits in the future especially if you don’t know how to handle certain business situations.

First and foremost, you must be able to work alone. Once you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already self-employed. It would also be best if you can have the support of your loved ones.

Here is a very good example. As mentioned earlier, further investigation is needed to evaluate the business ideas that you have in your hands. Starting a business from scratch requires a lot of work. Suppose the business that you’re about to put up is also available in franchise, which business idea will you choose?

For the smart entrepreneurs, they will already go for franchising because it requires less work. An established business undertaking is less expensive and less risky. But before you make a final decision, you must be able to weigh all the advantages as well as disadvantages. This is an essential part of choosing the best business idea.

Once you’ve chosen the right business idea, you can spring it into action. Soon enough, you will gain the financial benefits that you’re dreaming of. Whether you choose to start your own business or go for franchising, the most important thing is to develop goodwill. All the actions of the entrepreneur must be focused in attaining all the objectives of the business.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must research all the business ideas that you can get online. The internet can help you a lot. Also, don’t forget to develop the needed traits and skills as an entrepreneur.

You can get many resources through the internet or you can talk to an established entrepreneur so that you will have an idea on what you’re about to undertake.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Skype : thomcooke

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Would you rather have $10,000 now or a penny doubled every day for a month?

Day Amount
1 ~ .01
2 ~ .02
3 ~ .04
4 ~ .08
5 ~ .16
6 ~ .32
7 ~ .64
8 ~ 1.28
9 ~ 2.56
10 ~ 5.12
11 ~ 10.24
12 ~ 20.48
13 ~ 40.96
14 ~ 81.92
15 ~ 163.84

Halfway there. Do you think it was a good choice to take the penny doubled every day? Sure doesn't look like it's adding up very fast. Let's get back to work!

Day Amount
16 ~ 327.68
17 ~ 655.36
18 ~ 1,310.72
19 ~ 2,621.44
20 ~ 5,242.88
21 ~ 10,485.76
22 ~ 20,971.52
23 ~ 41,943.04
24 ~ 83,886.08
25 ~ 167,772.16
26 ~ 335,544.32
27 ~ 671,088.64
28 ~ 1,342,177.28
29 ~ 2,684,354.56
30 ~ 5,368,709.12

WOW -- Patience and Persistence DO pay off. That was worth the wait!!!

Ah, the power of a penny. Now turn that into customer/distributors in your downline. You and each of them get ONE NEW CUSTOMER A MONTH -- and at the end of 30 months you will have a LOT of customers in your downline.

To your futurs $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Skype: thomcooke

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Healthy, Wealthy and Wise - Liberty Health

Recently, someone did the huge favor of introducing me to Liberty Health Net. Now, I would like to pass on the favor by sharing this amazing company with you. Everyone needs or wants some extra income. It's exciting to know, that after looking for a long time, something is finally paying off. My dreams are within reach.

How about a little help achieving your dreams? A new car, a college education, a bigger home, enough money to help others in need... if you have a dream, you need a way to achieve it. This can be as simple as taking the daily multi-vitamin, (you know you should be taking anyway), and then telling others about the change you are making in your life. Are you willing to work a few hours a week to earn a few hundred, or a few thousand dollars, extra each month? If so, Liberty Health Net is the answer.

Liberty Health Net is the most realistic and the most flexible home-based business I have ever found. THOUSANDS of people have already earned checks! If you are looking for a few hundred dollars extra a month, or more, you'll be glad to know that you can earn up to $21,300.00 a month just by sharing this information with others. You will be amazed how easy this business can be for you.

LHN’s business is based upon distributing high quality nutritional products, which have a very high consumer demand, at very competitive pricing.

Simplicity + In-demand Products + High Pay-Out = A Successful Home Business for You!

LHN has generously designed their company so that customers who buy even one bottle of product are automatically registered as distributors. This doesn't mean you incur extra expense or responsibility, it's done so that all LHN distributors can enjoy low product pricing. There are no upfront distributor fees or any other hidden charges (like you find in some network marketing companies). This way, if you would simply like to order a quality nutritional product at a reasonable price each month, you can do that without any further complications or commitments.

However, LHN has also set up a retail plan which allows further savings on product pricing if you would like to retail the products. It's all up to you. LHN has left the choice for you to make. Earn through retail sales, earn through referrals, or earn through both!

You can earn some very serious money with...

The Liberty Health Net Income Plan!

Gold Income Example -- Matrix Potential Payout: $5,530.00+

Plus, earn $15-$60 on each of your personal referral's first orders. Plus, you can earn $15 on each bottle you retail.




































Based on a $50 purchase by you and $50 purchases by your downline members.

To earn on your 4th level, you must have 2 Personal Referrals purchasing $30.

It's easy to succeed! All you have to do to get started is to place your first $30 order and share the LHN products and business opportunity with others. You can do it by sharing this letter with others or by referring people to your own LHN personalized website. Yes, it does take some work, but anyone can do this! If you spend a few hours a week during your first two months circulating this information, you should be able to build your income to a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars monthly.

Are you willing to refer others to LHN in return for a lifetime of monthly earnings?

1. You can tell others how you are changing your life and share LHN with them.
2. You can make copies of this letter and mail it to people that might be interested.
3. You can refer people to your personalized LHN website.

Are you willing to try our products? Do you want an independent monthly income?

Here's what you get with the LHN Income Plan...

§ Generous Car Payment Bonus: 5% of your Total Sales Volume on levels 1-5!

§ Fast Start Bonus: $18.00-$60.00 on your Personally Sponsored distributor!

§ 4X5 Forced Matrix with a $21,300.00 Potential Payout!

§ Matrix compressed monthly for Maximum Payout!

§ Pay Plan allows re-entries on your 4th level!

§ Earn 150% with The Retail Plan!

§ No CVs, BVs or other confusing terms.

The Liberty Health Net Products!

Expression Facial Care Line was formulated and manufactured exclusively for Liberty Health Net under the strictest quality standards utilizing naturally active synergistic ingredients of the highest grade, in their purest form. Expression will give you the cleaner, brighter, tighter, smoother skin you've always desired!

Expression Anti-Aging Formula is an amazing breakthrough in skin rejuvenation, which provides the powerful antioxidants, rich moisturizers and other clinically proven ingredients needed to prevent and fight most skin problems. Expression Soft Rose Cleanser and Herbal Toner round out the Expression Facial Care Line.

GSE 100 - Grape Seed Extract 100mg is one of nature's most potent antioxidants! Grape Seed Extract has been exhaustively studied by some of the most prestigious medical facilities around the world and found to be a leader in the fight against free radical cell damage. (20 times stronger than Vit. C and 50 times stronger than Vit. E.) GSE 100 is one of the most important immune system nutrients to be discovered in the past 50 years.

Weight-Loss Plus is a synergistic blend of ingredients that encourage weight loss, enhance energy and slow aging. Chromium burns fat, creates lean muscle, helps stabilize blood sugar and lower blood pressure. Garcinia Cambogia prevents excessive sugar from being absorbed, helps suppress appetite, increases energy, endurance and stamina. Guarana Extract promotes a feeling of well being and calms nervous tension. Also contains, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng Extract, and Psyllium.

Vita-Min Plus is an all-inclusive multi-nutrient formulation that supplies 42 essential vitamins, minerals, enzymes and valuable antioxidants. Our Vita-Min Plus provides much more than most other multi-vitamins because we include more necessary minerals, plus enzymes to aid digestion and antioxidants. This is a great daily supplement which will benefit EVERYONE who uses it.

Coral Calcium is nature’s gift for good health. Coral Calcium is vital for strong bones and your cardiovascular and nerve system. Is also one of the best immune system boosters available today. A healthy immune system is the vital key to a long and healthy life. Our Coral Calcium is formulated with the most absorbable form of calcium in a proper 2:1 ratio with magnesium. We also include Vitamin D, which is necessary for proper absorption.

GC-MSM Plus is our effective solution to your need for healthy joints and joint relief. The Arthritis Pain Epidemic in North America has reached enormous proportions. Millions of people suffer from some form of arthritis, with a huge impact on their quality of life.

Alligin is one of LHN's HOT new products! Strengthen and support your immune system with this cutting-edge product. Alligin contains both Allicin and Ginger, which have been proven in laboratory testing to have a powerful synergistic effect on one another!

Immune Tea is rich in the beta glucans needed to revitalize your immune system! This tea provides your body with the building blocks needed to help it balance, so it can heal itself from the onslaught of aging and disease. Another new HOT product!

MGA Plus contains mangosteen, goji berries, acai and pomegranate, which are four powerful and carefully researched nutritional foods. Though new to most of us, each has a long history of benefits in its native culture.

O2 Plus is the newest generation of this super-oxygenation technology. This wonderful product is ideal for both rehydration, and improving one's sense of overall wellness.

pH Plus is the perfect companion supplement with O2 Plus. Together they effectively address the two critical elements in chronic illness, an acid pH and lack of oxygen. If pH is really important to good health, then pH Plus is essential to establishing and maintaining pH balance in your body.

Creatine plays a vital role in the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary compound which converts food into energy. When high concentrations of creatine are present, the body can quickly release ATP to sustain high-powered muscle contraction.

Angel Power are delicious fruit flavored chewable vitamins for children or individuals that have difficulties swallowing pills.

Angel Power are delicious fruit flavored chewable vitamins for children or individuals that have difficulties swallowing pills.

In today’s world, it is so important for our children to have an adequate supply of vitamins to build a strong and healthy body. Often times with the busy days that we have, getting together a meal that is rich in everything our children need each day can be difficult. So, having the kids supplement what they do eat with a good multi-vitamin is a great way to help insure that their growing body’s receive the essentials that are required. But for the younger children, sometimes it is hard to get them to take a big "adult" sized and maybe "yucky" tasting ( to them ) tablet.

To address that, LHN has put together a great formula and made them "chewable" for the younger set that can not so easily swallow the larger tablet.

Don’t miss out and let this opportunity pass you by. Why not order at least one of our products today while it is still fresh on your mind. Change your health with our products. Change your financial future with our income plan. Place your order today

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,

Carrara. Qld. 4211


Skype : thomcooke

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Online Exposure.

Let's touch on a few indirect ways to expose your business. To do that, we're going to look at a couple ways you can use your email to get the word out about your business.

Use your email address book to invite people you regularly correspond with to start communicating with you through. Please don't misuse this feature by spamming anyone. Use it only for people you have been corresponding with. If you misuse it, you put your service at risk!

Most email clients like Outlook, Yahoo, and Gmail allow you to send out a signature file at the end of any email you send to those who send you an email.

Experience tells me that a short message is just as effective as a long one, so simply write a short message and have it automatically sent to anyone who emails you. Tell them that since they are important to you, you would like to begin communicating with them through your mail service since there is no spam, viruses.

You must understand that while attaching a Signature to your outgoing email and setting up an "out of office" or "vacation" message are not very "sexy," they are a vital part of exposing your business. They won't make you wealthy, but they are examples of small ways to set up another sample booth.

Let me remind you how Hotmail got 30 million subscribers in 30 months. It was done by the use of a Signature line attached to each message. Doesn't seem very exciting, does it? But you can't argue with its effectiveness! Don't skip it.

This time I'll show you ways you can use the internet itself as a prospecting tool. It is likely that you will not be able to rely on the internet alone as your prospecting source, so as you continue, begin to make notes and think about how you can put several of these methods together to build your own personal prospecting program.

Let me say again that there's no single magic bullet when it comes to "finding" the best way to advertise your business. No one thing or one way is likely to be successful for everyone, and just as regular "bricks and mortar" businesses have discovered, you need to make use of the various possibilities to generate prospects.

I will provide you with examples of how to use and where to insert that link as you continue.

I am offering you the guidance and information you need, and if there is a magic bullet of sorts- this is it. I'm it. I know how to do this successfully, and when you do what I advise you to do consistently and persistently, then your chance for success is greatly increased.
Nothing pays off like taking the advise of a pro and applying it with consistency and persistence.

Let's look at a few different ways you can use the internet. I am not endorsing any of these, but you need to know about them.

INVITE CONTACTS Simple and free, so don't forget this feature when you think about contacting prospects on the internet. As you already know, this can be a useful tool when used properly.

BANNER ADS If you already have a business or personal website of your own, you may already have people who have opted-in as contacts through that site. Since you already have permission to communicate with them, you can issue them a personal invitation.

And you can place a banner ad on your website or on others where you have permission. If you look in the back office of your new website in the Marketing Tools section, you'll see a link to a banner ad you can use. The instructions there tell you how to personalize it so that you get credit for a person who clicks on it and visits your site.
An important change in those instructions:

Where the website reads "Be sure to replace XXXXXX with your real username...

INTERNET CLASSIFIED ADS If you do a search for "internet classified ads" or "free classified ads" you'll find all kinds of sites where you can advertise for free. How much business will they generate? That's hard to say. Lots of folks use them, so they must get results to some degree.

There are also classified sites where you pay a fee to run your ad, and again, results are mixed.

Helpful Hint: Check the policy of the site to be sure your email address will not be published in the ad! If it is, you will experience what many have before- lots and lots and lots of Spam in your email inbox. Make sure you include the link to your website when you publish the ad.

AUTORESPONDER LEAD SYSTEMS Another simple way for you to introduce people though it isn't free. Generally you pay a monthly fee for the autoresponder system and you purchase leads who receive your ads.

Beware! All lead systems are not created equal! Some sell leads that are also sold to multiple other advertisers. That means your leads may be getting bombarded with many other offers, which will dilute the power of your ads. Others don't tell you how "fresh" the leads are. They could be folks who showed interest last week- or they could be 2 or 3 years old. Be sure you ask what kind of lead you will get and how many other people are getting the same lead.

If you choose the wrong system, this could be money down the drain.

On the other hand, you can't expect any lead system to produce a sign up for most of the leads you buy. This is a numbers game. The more people you expose to your ad, the more likely you will get results- if the leads are relatively fresh to begin with.

I say it's a "numbers game" because the state of email causes problems which are not the fault of the Lead Systems. Some of the leads are likely to get filtered either by ISPs or people's personal filters on their own computers. Others will be "overlooked" or deleted from inboxes because the receiver will think they are junk. The quality of the leads and the content of the ad you are sending are the major keys here.

Do yourself a HUGE favor. Keep a log of your activity. Who did you contact; how; what ad did you run; what were it's results; how did you follow up; etc. We have a system that will help you do this, do it yourself and you'll learn what works and what doesn't work for you. It will also help you when you go to your sponsor for assistance in building your business. They'll be able to know specifically what you've tried and not tried, and will be better able to give you advice that will be on target and useful.

There are other ways to use the internet to market your business.
If you have questions about any of these ways to expose your business

For additional information I recommend The information is not specific to any business, but is great in providing you with tips and skills you need to successfully develop your business. After you register for more information (free).you will receive further emails from me and Janet. ( She really knows her away around the marketing arena, and this can help you tremendously.)

Next time we'll take a look at offline prospecting, an arena much neglected by many. We'll have some solid tips about how to use this method to your best advantage.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Rd.
Carrara. Qld. 4211
Skype: thomcooke

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If you don't RECRUIT how do you grow your Business?

If I don't recruit, how do I grow my business?
This is the single most important piece of the puzzle for you to understand in building your business. And I want you to begin by remembering how you found your way to

You responded to some form of advertising and got your own free account. It could have been word of mouth advertising, a newspaper or magazine ad, a business card or flyer, an old-fashioned public email ad, or any one of many other types of advertising. There are numerous methods that can bring people here, but they all involve the same fundamental thing: someone exposed you to the opportunity and you responded and got your free account.

Then the system, went to work and began educating you about the product and the business opportunity, and you chose the best level for you to participate.

The key to your success and the one thing you must do to build the kind of business and income you are seeking can be summed up in one word: exposure.

That's your #1 job, and no one can do it for you. You will never make a dollar without exposing your business to as many people as possible. There are many ways to do it, but, make sure you understand this important point, you have to do it. Exposures get free signups, and free signups get upgrades, and upgrades build your income.

$uccess Rule #1
Those who exposes their business to the most people will earn the most money.

The rules of marketing are not suspended when you get involved in a business on the internet. In fact, they are magnified if they are any different at all. I recently did a Google search for "business opportunities" and got 1,030,000,000 (that's 1billion and 30 million) websites to check out. I decided to narrow it to "home business opportunities" and got 882,000,000 (882 million)!

The point is that there are lots of people out there offering opportunities because there are lots of people looking for them. You have no shortage of prospects and you have a product that is not a gimmick like so many others. Yours offers a solution to the problems that over 1 billion email users routinely have and that almost everyone agrees are real problems, not just something dreamed up to make a buck!

You've got a HUGE market, so how do you reach it?

Exposure is the key. How you do it is less important then the fact that you must do it. And you must understand right up front that you cannot, [I repeat] cannot, succeed without understanding Success Rule #1.

$uccess Rule #2
There is a general misconception many people have that a home based business will somehow just magically grow itself. Some people - mostly those who have never had a successful home based business before - are unclear as to what they must do to start earning commissions and building the kind of income and financial future they desire for themselves and their family.

Let's clear that up right now. Let's say you have a sponsor and an entire upline that is really, really pitiful. You have to build your business yourself to be successful. Does that mean you are doomed to fail?

Absolutely not! When people above you reach their personal income goals, they may stop sponsoring new people altogether.

It is your determination and your work that will insure the growth of your business and the successful journey toward reaching your goals.

$uccess Rule #3
Free samples attract buyers, though not everyone will buy what you are allowing them to sample.

Do you know what every car salesman in the world wants you to do when you drop by the dealership? They want you to test drive a car. They know for a fact that you are much more likely to buy a car that you have driven than one that you've only looked at.

And that applies to most everything.

It's hard to go to a supermarket these days, especially on weekends, without finding one or two or more sample booths. At least that's what I call them. They will be set up where someone stands all day and cooks and gives away free samples of new products that the store is now selling. Why? Because they know that this gets people's attention.
They give you a taste of the product. You try it for yourself. If you like it, you are much more likely to buy some to take home since you've been able to "try before you buy."

There is absolutely no doubt that this is the best way to market. The more you try to sell it, the more likely it is that you will not succeed. The better job you do of giving it away, the more successful you will be. Which leads us directly to?

$uccess Rule #4
The more sample booths you have, the faster and bigger your business will grow.

Your sample booths can take many forms, but you must always think in terms of numbers. If you use mass advertising methods such as lead lists and newspaper and magazine ads, more people are likely to see your business than if you limit yourself to handing out business cards.

Consider what would happen at the supermarket if each sample booth only handed out one sample to one person and then closed up. It's pretty clear what would happen - not much! Sample booths take into account that numbers are what marketing is all about. They don't give out one sample. They give out dozens or hundreds or even thousands. The more the merrier!

That is the same premise on which you can build your business. Your job is to expose your business to as many people as possible.

Advertising is the lifeblood of any business, however you choose to advertise.

BUT, you cannot build your business quickly and get into profit if you don't expose your business broadly.

If you are trying to do it without the expense of mass advertising, you can do it. However, be prepared! You will have to work hard and long and very focused hours to get enough exposures to make your business profitable.

If you are using business cards alone, for example, you'll have to distribute many more of them to get the same results you could get from one magazine ad.

People have built very large and successful businesses using that method, but they spent hours every day working on distributing those cards. You can do it, but it will take a full-time commitment to make it work if that's all you do.

If you can afford to wait until you can get into profit and start making money, then it is an option. If on the other hand, you need to get your business going right now because you have bills to pay, then you will need to find a better approach.

One business card is likely to be seen by only one or two people. It's like having only one sample booth. One major ad, however, might be seen by thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Your business will build more quickly with tens of thousands of sample booths than with only one.

$uccess Rule #5
$uccessful people use every tool available to them.

First, I don't want anyone to fail because I failed them. Here's what I mean by that. The entire marketing system is set up with one thing in mind - helping you make money! When you prosper, the company prospers! Nothing is more important than getting you paid quickly and well. That's why the program has developed the tools you need to make that happen.

The product and service you offer is far superior to the product it replaces, and it will continue to get even better over time.

You usually have to make a choice when you look for a business. Do you want to earn larger commissions on each sale or do you want to be able to build a long-term residual income that will allow you to live comfortably years from now?

If you need to turn a profit quickly so you can pay your bills and still have money to invest in advertising and other ways to expose and grow your business, then you have the tools you need to do it.

But you have to take advantage of them!

Second, we provide you with numerous tools you can use to increase your number of exposures. But you must use them.

I can't guarantee your success, because only you can choose to become successful. You must believe in yourself. You must believe in your product. You must commit yourself to doing what is necessary to succeed. And then you must do it!

The secret to your success is very simple. It's you. You will succeed because you want to succeed more than you fear failing.

This is not the most expensive or highest paying package you can purchase, but it is easily affordable for everyone and provides immediate, substantial, and long-term income - not just one or the other, By using this program as a feeder to all your other businesses.

Then get your sample booths out there in front of people.

Set your goals, dream your dreams, and then take action to make your dreams your reality!

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke
Nerang-Broadbeach Rd.
Carrara. Qld. 4211

Skype: thomcooke

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Start building your LIST today.

Every marketer out there tells you "Build a list" - "Build a list" - "Build a list" - but hardly anyone goes out there and builds a list.

Mailing lists are the most important assets of any business nowadays.

If you want your business to succeed you must build a mailing list; if you want your business to fail don’t build a list.

Why is a mailing list so powerful?

It´s simple! A website visitor reads your site once - then leaves and is unlikely to come back. A member of your mailing list can be contacted by you over and over again!

A single mailing to 20,000 qualified subscribers leads to massive traffic and sales.

So what is holding you back from building a massive mailing list?

  • You don´t know how to build a good and stable mailing list?
  • You don´t know how to get people to subscribe?
  • You don’t think you can build a massive list?

It is a known fact that less than 5% of online marketers are making a decent income from the internet. So out of all the emails that you receive daily from marketers, only a handful of them are making any real money online.

And that is the sad truth.

But I have been lucky enough to work my way into the elite group of marketers that are making some nice change (income) online.

...And best of all, these list building techniques have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with


Buying a bunch of old, outdated email leads for cheap...

Spending a bundle on bogus, non-targeted co-registration records...

Writing hundreds of articles and submitting them to as many article directories as you can.

Doing the outdated and ancient method of ezine ad swaps.

The Money is indeed in the list, and you need to fully convince yourself of this so that every marketing strategy you implement adds more and more targeted subscribers to your business.

To this end ~ join me and a group of like minded people who know how to build a responsive list that will create the income that you deserve for the efforts you put into your marketing.

Fill in the form at the top of this page and find out what really works .. and the best part is that you get all the information absolutely FREE.

(This program is Generic & will work with whatever you’re promoting.)

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,

Carrara. Qld. 4211


Skype : thomcooke

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Jump Start for 2009

Well the silly season is over for another year, are you ready to fire up for 2009? If not I suggest you check out this video by Dan Green of Walk The Talk. com , it will put you in the right frame of mind to make 2009 your biggest year ever. Save this post and come back whenever you need a kick start:

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,

Carrara. Qld. 4211


Skype : thomcooke