The MONEY is in Your LIST.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Important Message about Your Future.

This letter was sent to me last week and has a very important message for you, about your future.

From: Janet Legere.

Listen ... I get emails from people every day complaining that GDI doesn't work ...

"I tried GDI, it didn't work"
"I joined GDI last year and never sponsored anyone"

Heck, maybe you were one of those people, it's very
possible and highly likely.

You see, GDI is one of those misunderstood programs.

"Why would I by a domain for $10 a month when I can
get one from GoDaddy for $10 a year?"

Hmm ... well that's a domain name ... you still have to
host it ... and yes, you can find hosting for less than
$10 a month, however ... how much is your hosting
company paying you to refer others.

Likely nothing.

GDI is much more than just a domain name, when combined with your Earth Friendly Biz system ... it's an automated money making machine.

GDI has paid me every month, for the past 5 years earning me more than $40,000 plus thousands more in weekly bonuses.

My cost? $600.

Not a bad return ... what do you think?

Take another look at GDI here:

Then come on board at Earth Friendly Biz and
let's get your money making machine working
for you today!

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

P.S. Thom, stop making excuses why GDI didn't
work for you and let us help you make it work.

My Contact Information
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara, Queensland 4211
Phone: 61 7 413 09 1994
(Australian EST)

If You Want My Attention, Add
Me To Instant Messenger:

Skype: thomcooke
Yahoo: thom.cooke

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