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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Summary of Global Domains International. (GDI)

Summary of information about Global Domains International, also known as GDI?

Global Domains International, Inc also known as GDI and often referred to as Global Domains, is a premier, registered, top listed Inc500, business opportunity. GDI primary service is DOT WS domain names. Global Domains International members receive a dot ws domain name of their choosing, ten email addresses, site builder, hosted website, member virtual office, replicated website and multiple affiliate referral urls. All GDI members are placed into a 5 x 5 uni-level matrix in which they earn $1.00 per month per members in their organization. Not only do GDI members receive monthly residual income, they also can receive hefty weekly leader bonuses. For more complete information, continue reading this page.

If you've been searching for an affordable solution to work at home and be your own boss, GDI cannot be beaten. For only $10.00 per month, you get a legitimate opportunity at an affordable price point. There are no hidden fees, nothing else to pay, plus you can take the 7 day risk free trial. Try before you buy. Taking the 7 day GDI free trial, allows you to see how it all works, first hand. No payment is requested in order to enroll for the 7 day free trial.

Global Domains International Primary Services

- Replicated Website

- Multiple Replicated Referral Web Pages

- Member Virtual Back Office with Real Time Reporting

- Dot WS Domain Name

- Website Builder (no html skills needed)

- Hosts Up to an 8 Page Website

- Ten Email Addresses

Business Opportunity

- 5 x 5 Uni-Level Matrix
- Possibility to Expand Past 5 Levels
- Monthly Residual
- Weekly Leadership Bonus

The earnings can add up to a significant residual income. You'll earn $1.00 every month for every member in your organization. Whether you sponsor 1 member or 1000 members, they will all go on your first level. Your first level sponsors members and they all go on your second level. This process continues through unlimited width and down through five levels. The possibility for the 5 level uni-level matrix to expand, can happen. Enroll five paid members in one week, you will receive a $100 leadership bonus. Weekly leadership bonus caps at $5,000. Therefore, for every 5 paid members you sponsor in one week, you gain $100 up to $5,000. The potential monthly residual income stream, is virtually unlimited.

GDI Additional Services
- Private Member Discussion Board
- Excellent Support System
- Optional Purchase: Leads, Business Cards, DVD's

No support, means No business. GDI has excellent customer support plus a private members discussion board. Whether you want to pick up the phone and call GDI or contact them through the support ticket system, the options are available. It's doubtful you'll ever need to contact the customer support, but they are prepared 24/7 to help you. The GDI member discussion board is a great place to communicate with other members and like minded work at home individuals as yourself. Many GDI members have fired their boss and working full time at home with the Global Domains International Opportunity!

Did I mention that Global Domains International is also a member of the BBB and The Direct Selling Association! It's great to be a part of a business you can be proud of.

The marketing system I use to promote my GDI business is:

My Blog:

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Important Message about Your Future.

This letter was sent to me last week and has a very important message for you, about your future.

From: Janet Legere.

Listen ... I get emails from people every day complaining that GDI doesn't work ...

"I tried GDI, it didn't work"
"I joined GDI last year and never sponsored anyone"

Heck, maybe you were one of those people, it's very
possible and highly likely.

You see, GDI is one of those misunderstood programs.

"Why would I by a domain for $10 a month when I can
get one from GoDaddy for $10 a year?"

Hmm ... well that's a domain name ... you still have to
host it ... and yes, you can find hosting for less than
$10 a month, however ... how much is your hosting
company paying you to refer others.

Likely nothing.

GDI is much more than just a domain name, when combined with your Earth Friendly Biz system ... it's an automated money making machine.

GDI has paid me every month, for the past 5 years earning me more than $40,000 plus thousands more in weekly bonuses.

My cost? $600.

Not a bad return ... what do you think?

Take another look at GDI here:

Then come on board at Earth Friendly Biz and
let's get your money making machine working
for you today!

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

P.S. Thom, stop making excuses why GDI didn't
work for you and let us help you make it work.

My Contact Information
Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara, Queensland 4211
Phone: 61 7 413 09 1994
(Australian EST)

If You Want My Attention, Add
Me To Instant Messenger:

Skype: thomcooke
Yahoo: thom.cooke

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Powerof Blogging.

Blogs are becoming more popular nowadays. You will notice that the numbers of blogging sites are increasing. In addition, there are innovations already making its way into blogging.

For instance, instead of pure text content, there is now photo blogging where you can now share your pictures with other bloggers. Aside from the usual call and text features of cellular phones, now you can use it if you want to post your blog. It just manifests that blogging is really becoming popular to people.

If you are not reached yet by the popularity of blogs, continue reading and see for yourself why blogging is just popular to almost every Internet users.

What is Blog?

Before anything else, what is a blog? Generally, it is a web page that has brief and distinct information also known as posts. These posts are arranged in reverse chronological order (that is, the latest comes first) and each post entry is identified by an anchor tag which is marked by a permanent link that can be referred to by others who wish to link to it.

Blogs are considered to be a means of communication and there are numerous types of messages carried by blogs. Some you will find are just vacuums that points to other websites, others displays their greatest essay, some are personal diaries, and others promote newest technology. In other words, bloggers can write anything they want.

Why Blog?

There are hundreds of thousands of blogs posted on the Internet daily. With these numbers, one question will just pop-up in your mind: Why do people blog?

The reason behind is through blogs, people can express themselves freely. Yes, there are other mediums you can use to show to the world what you have got. You can write articles and columns on a local newspaper. But the question is, are you sure all what you have written can be printed? Writing blogs gives you the power to get what you have written printed immediately. No questions asked, nothing more to be asked.

Another reason why many people are blogging is the freedom of design, layout, and its structure. You do not need to have navigation architecture designs of a website nor a structured menu. You can write anything about what you want regardless of what it looks like. Your point is to attract readers in the way that you think is the best. That is the power of blogging—giving you the freedom of what you want your blog to look like.

Before you start your blogging hobby, you need to know first the blogging tools. These tools enable you to post your blogs either on your own website or to a certain blogging community. One popular blogging tool is Blogger software, a web-based tool that does not require you to install software to your personal computer or on your server in case you have your own website. You can access the tool through the Blogger website and your blog pages can be posted to your own site or to a community blog server.

These are just some of the basic things you need to know about blogging. Remember that blogs give you the power to publish anything you want. However, you need to keep in mind that it can be successful if you will be discussing interesting things on it. And do not forget to place a link directing to your own website. It can help you generate the traffic you needed.

To your future $uccess,

Thom Cooke

My Contact Information

Nerang-Broadbeach Road,
Carrara, Queensland 4211
Phone: 61 7 413 09 1994

If You Want My Attention, Add
Me To Instant Messenger:

Skype: thomcooke
Yahoo: thom.cooke